what is the master bedroom called in europe?


5 minutes

Master Bedroom defines a room with more spaces and facilities than other rooms. This room is designed for the owner of a home. Let’s discuss the cause of calling it the master bedroom.

So, why do they call it the master bedroom? The main cause for calling it the master bedroom is the extra spaces that are directly accessible from the interior of the space. These spaces include the extra facility like a vanity, conversation area, or chaise that is ideal for reading a book.

The same space or size of the master bedroom varies from one home to another. The extra facility also varied from home to home.

Some master bedrooms have additional closet spaces, and some have private spaces to spend short breaks from family activities. Keep scrolling to learn more about the cause of calling the master bedroom.

Why Do They Call It the Master Bedroom?

The Master bedroom or principal bedroom is a primary concern of a beautiful house. Each and every house have a master bedroom for the Master of this house.

This room has a larger area and extra furniture facility; thus, the Master can spend luxurious moments.

Basically, the master bedroom of the house is for the owner of this house so that he can spend some private time without family members.

The reason behind calling the master bedroom is the extra space and extra facilities that the other bedroom does not have.

This room often is a space large enough to include more than a standard bed, a dresser for the master bedroom, and a chest of dressers. This room type includes a larger area and well-furnished bedrooms.

Why Is the Master Bedroom Offensive?

why do they call it the master bedroom

The Master bedroom is usually denoted for the Master or owner of a home. Most of the masters or owners of a home is a male people. So, male people get more facilities than others in this home. 

Most of the master bedroom is made for a more luxurious and heavenly life. It normally includes more amenities and more spaces. This creates a different behavior or inequalities to others members of a family.

When Did the Master Bedroom Originate?

The term “master bedroom’’ was first originated in 1926 and became widespread with the explosion of suburban housing.

The first master bedroom was experiencing a time of prosperity, and the middle class was living in larger homes with the luxury of a private space just for parents.

When the first ‘master bedroom’ appeared, it usually denoted that the room was reserved for the Master of the household.

The Master of the household gets more space and a closet in the master bedroom that gives him extra comfort than others members of this family.

What Do You Call a Master Bedroom Now?

Master Bedroom is a term of dominance and ownership, which does not sound good. So, people thought to change the term or replace the term with a word that has a good sound.

The most popular choice of people to replace the word “Master bedroom” is “primary bedroom,” which denotes the room’s prominence and sound good.

The step to replace the master bedroom with the primary bedroom is the step to remove the negative concept around the real estate community.

The main or primary bedroom is still different from the home’s other bedroom. Since a master bedroom is not advisable to use, homeowners prefer to call it now “primary bedroom.”

What Is the Master Bedroom Called in Europe?

Most European countries have their master bedroom as the principal bedroom. They called the principal bedroom instead of the master bedroom.

They usually build their home as their culture and traditions do. Though they made a master bedroom with larger spaces, they called it a primary or principal bedroom.

The exact size of a European master bedroom varies from home to home. But the master bedroom is the biggest bedroom in a home.

This room is simply the room for the homeowner. As the master bedroom is only for the homeowner, the room may be called ‘the main bedroom’.

Why Is the Master Bedroom Now Called the Primary Room?

The shift or change from ‘master’ to ‘primary bedroom’ has been made due to negative perceptions involving the word ‘master’. The term master indicates the homeowner, and an owner is always a male person.

This homeowner gets extra benefits than other members of a family. So, the term ‘master bedroom’ implies a concept of dominance and ownership.

Real estate professionals realize that the master bedroom means racist and sexiest implications. Thus there is a need to change the term ‘master’ to ‘primary bedroom’.

People Also Ask

Why Did They Stop Calling It a Master Bedroom?

Thus the term ‘Master Bedroom’ consists of unclear and inappropriate meanings, The Houston Association of Realtors, the first industry group, decide to stop calling it ‘master bedroom’.

Who Came Up with The Term Master Bedroom?

The Sears catalog is the first that coined the phrase master bedroom to advertise a certain kind of luxury bedroom designed to appeal to a heteronormative nuclear family where the primary breadwinner was masculine.

What Is the Politically Correct Way to Say Master Bedroom?

The primary bedroom is the politically correct way to say master bedroom. The primary bedroom denotes the prominence of a house.

Final Thought

Every house of a homeowner has a master bedroom or primary bedroom. The Master bedroom consists of larger spaces, an extra closet, and more facilities than another bedroom in a house.

Especially this room is built for the Master of the house, and usually, the Master of the house is a male person. So, the master bedroom denotes the dominance and unequal distribution of social facilities.

So, several newspapers have reported that the term master bedroom will not be used by different real estate companies in different nations due to its allusions to sexism and slavery. Rather they use the terms “primary” or “principal bedroom”. 

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